Upcoming Workshops
Good Body Workshop
For inquiries regarding private events, please email jenny@havenyogaseattle.com. This workshop is not currently scheduled for the public.
As women, we are taught to think of our bodies as if they were objects to be enjoyed by others, rather than important parts of ourselves to accept and understand. In order to begin understanding our body as our own, we must have an experience of initiation. In this workshop led by therapists Heather Stringer, LMHC and Jenny Wade, LMHC, and massage therapist Karen Cirulli, LMP -- we will offer teaching and curated experience centered around the importance of touch, ritual, and embodiment. The centerpiece of our time together will be ritual, entering into a sacred space where we communally mourn the curse our bodies have endured and providing invitation for deep blessing on the woman's body that you inhabit.
This workshop is open to all who identify as female.
Suggested donation $80
Body Language for Men
Saturday, March 3rd 2018
9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
A workshop for curious men who desire to explore their relationship to their body.
Your body is an alive feedback system designed to communicate your deepest desires, but for many men communication with the body is clouded by domination, numbing, and shame. Men are taught that the language of the body is not worthy to be listened to. Common phrases like ‘no pain, no gain’, ‘stop acting like a girl’, and ‘real men don’t cry’ highlight the ways men are encouraged to override the experience of their body. Ultimately, dismissing the body creates pathways for addiction, violence, and emotional disconnection. Although our relationship with our body is bound in real experiences in our past, we can learn to kindly witness the ways this is reenacted, and reorient towards freedom.
This workshop will be co-led by Jenny Wade, LMHC and Knox Burnett, LMHC. Jenny is a counselor and yoga teacher who specializes in helping people to combat body shame. Knox is a counselor and personal trainer who specialises in body/mind integration. Join them for a day of teaching, reflection, and space to practice new ways of being in your body.